All species-changing hotkeys are customizable. This feature saves the player from having to rejoin the game and possibly even failing to rejoin (waiting for description). The scoreboard will maintain the player's current score. There are no gameplay restrictions in DM or SDM. Hence, the player can't change to/from Predator in Predator Tag, to/from Alien in Alien Tag, to/from Alien in Last Man Standing, or to Alien in cooperative mode. Additionally, uMod takes into account the specific game mode.

As such, it only allows changing from/to if the map permits it and if the maximum number of that species/specialist has not already been reached by players. Also, unlike other species changers, uMod takes into account server restrictions. First of all, there is a 45-second cooldown period between changing species/specialists. Species Changer: This feature allows the player to change into any species/specialist with a few conditions. To exit spectator mode, the player must leave and rejoin the server. This makes the player invisible to all players and disallows him/her from attacking them, picking up items, or chatting.